Mistress Ilona was bored at home and she had to find something to do or her mind was going to explode out of boredom. She felt bloated at that moment and she chose to have fun with her bloated stomach. She tried to fart in order to relieve herself and she tried her best to get into positions that facilitated her farting. As she did it, she realized it was fun and that is how she came to have a fart fetish.
Goddess Panther loves humiliating and degrading people. She loves to make them do crazy things and she likes to get them to think that they are having fun together when in the real sense, she is humiliating them. She loves to tease and to flirt and to give them a sense of fun but in the end, she ends up having fun at their expense as she did to this guy today when she farted on him.
This girl had eaten food which made her gassy. She was uncomfortable and she knew that she had to release the gas in order for relieve herself. So she bent over and she released the gas by farting. She gave out all kinds of farts. She had long farts, short ones, smelly farts, non smelly ones, loud farts and silent farts. She was careful to make sure she did not have a wet fart.
This mistress does not eat certain foods because they give her gas. She came home very hungry and found out that her slave had cooked one of those foods. She was not pissed at him as he did not know. She ate it because of the hunger but soon after, she had a bloated stomach. She called her slave and she had him stay in the room as she farted. She told him she was showing him why he should never cook certain foods.
Mistress Valery was not amused with her slave and she felt the right punishment would be to fart on him. So she farted on his face and she enjoyed as he sniffed the farts. He was humiliated but she had ordered him to pretend as if he had smelled fragrances and spices. The guy was at pains to do it but he tried his best before she let him go.
Mistress Gaia had eaten some food which gave her a lot of gas. It was her slave who had prepared the meal and she knew that it had to have something wrong with it or how it was prepared. She farted a lot to relieve herself. But she did not want to suffer alone so she made sure her slave was at the receiving end of those farts so as to learn a lesson.
Mistress Martina had eaten food which made her gassy. She did not like how much she had to fart so she went to her slave's room. He was the one who had prepared the meal so she farted in his room. She stayed there for a long time and by the time she left the room, it was full of farts. She did not care as he was the cause of the farts in the first place.
Mistress Pauline wanted this loser to learn to respect other people. So she farted on him as punishment. She made sure he would not breathe properly as the farts choked him. She also degraded him by making him lick her asshole as she farted on him. The poor guy was thoroughly humiliated but at the end of the day he learned his lesson and he learned to respect other people.
Mistress Pauline went into her husband's home office and she messed it up. She did not like how much time he spent in there. She so she took a video of her tits and her pussy to show him what he was missing. She also showed off her ass and before she was done, she farted in there. She had closed all the windows and she locked the door to make sure the farts would be there when he went to the office
Goddess Amirha did not like the fact that her husband paid more attention to his gaming than to her. She did not like how he was there physically but not really there in any other sense. She had to make him realize that there were other things besides his job and his video games. So she crushed him with her ass and she farted on his face and had him inhale the farts as she played his video games.