Girls Farting

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This mistress has a nice ass and she loves to use it to degrade guys who find her attractive and want to fuck her. She does this to guys she does not fancy. She loves to humiliate and degrade them and today she got this guy to smell her farts. She teased him by dressing skimpily as well as dominating teasing him. Once he had taken the bait, she enjoyed humiliating and dominating him with her farts.

This sexy mistress wanted to use her nice ass to get some money and some favors from this guy. She used her seductive looks and her naughty ways to get him to do what she wanted. But he was more persistent than she was used to. She had to find a way to avoid doing anything remotely sexual with him so she pretended to have a running stomach and she farted as proof of it.

This mistress is a fitness freak. She works out all the time because she wants to keep in shape. As she bent over to do some yoga, she farted. She had been bloated and she wanted to find a way to relieve herself. The yoga helped as its positions helped her to fart and in so doing, she was able to feel better and to enjoy her work out like she normally does.

This mistress is clever. She knew what to do when she wanted to avoid having sex with her boyfriend. She knew what to eat to get her stomach gassy so she ate it. When he tried to make out with her, she farted. She released a stinky fart and her boyfriend's mood for sex vanished and she was able to avoid having sex with him at that time. He had to wait till she was ready.

This girl had eaten food which made her gassy. She was uncomfortable and she knew that she had to release the gas in order for relieve herself. So she bent over and she released the gas by farting. She gave out all kinds of farts. She had long farts, short ones, smelly farts, non smelly ones, loud farts and silent farts. She was careful to make sure she did not have a wet fart.

This mistress does not eat certain foods because they give her gas. She came home very hungry and found out that her slave had cooked one of those foods. She was not pissed at him as he did not know. She ate it because of the hunger but soon after, she had a bloated stomach. She called her slave and she had him stay in the room as she farted. She told him she was showing him why he should never cook certain foods.

Mistress Violeta has a spankable ass. She loves to wear thongs because they make her look even hotter. But today she did not just want to look hot. She wanted to humiliate. So she lured this guy by teasing him and flirting with him. Then she took him to the bathroom where instead of all the fun he expected to have, she had him smell her farts. She lied to him that it turned him on when he did that.

Mistress Gaia teased this guy using her nice ass. She has a sexy one and she is a gorgeous mistress overall. The guy was turned on and he could not resist her. She had him wrapped around her finger and he was like putty on her hand. She then got him to smell her farts and her asshole, which was the plan all along. The poor guy did it as he was still under her spell.

When you have an ass as nice as mistress Rhea has, you can get away with a lot. She felt like trying fart fetish and since she has a nice ass, getting guys to tease and humiliate was not hard. She pretended she wanted to have fun with the guy but she had an upset stomach so she kept farting on him. She had him smell her farts pretending that it meant he cared about her.

Mistress Gaia had eaten some food which gave her a lot of gas. It was her slave who had prepared the meal and she knew that it had to have something wrong with it or how it was prepared. She farted a lot to relieve herself. But she did not want to suffer alone so she made sure her slave was at the receiving end of those farts so as to learn a lesson.

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